Thursday 21 March 2013

Body health, image and the myth of perfection | Body Health ...

Body image ?n? th? media

It?s unlikely w??ll ???r see a typical American woman ?n th? cover ?f ?n? woman?s print ?r online magazine. It ?? th? media?s job t? sell th? myth ?f perfection. H?w ?? ??? protect ???r self-esteem fr?m th? ??n??r??? promise ?f perfection offered b? th? media? Here ?r? ways t? promote a healthy self-image within yourself.


H??? ??? ???r taken a ???? look ?t th? cover ?f women?s fitness- ?r beauty-oriented magazines? In many cases, th? models ?r? thin b?t th?? aren?t ?fit? ?n? th?? h??? bodies th?t th? average woman ??n?t possibly achieve. Shouldn?t th? cover ?f a woman?s magazine ?h?w a real woman ?n? n?t ???t another ?perfect? body? Unfortunately, ??r society ?? very ?outer oriented? ?n? ?t ?? th? media?s job t? sell th? myth ?f perfection. W? ?r? buying ?nt? th? myth.

D?n??r??? promises

W? ?r? ???? punishing ourselves f?r n?t having perfect bodies. It?s ??r body?s fault th?t w? aren?t h???? ? w?th ??r relationships, ??r jobs, ?n? ??r lives. Therefore, w? deny ??r bodies desserts, n?w clothes, ?n? even ????. Sadly, a lot ?f ?? h?t? ??r bodies (?r ??rt??n ??rt?) ?n? th?? negative body image poisons th? rest ?f ??r self-image. If ??? don?t ???? ??? ?f ???, h?w ??n ??? really b? h?????

H?w ?? ??? protect ???r self-esteem fr?m th? ??n??r??? promise ?f perfection offered b? th? media? B? h?n??t w?th yourself ?n? practice self-acceptance. Due t? genetics ?n? body types, ??? ?f ?? ??n?t b? thin b?t w? ??n ??? b? healthy. Instead ?f comparing yourself t? a model ??? see ?n a magazine ?r online, look ?n th? mirror t? find ???r ?wn standard ?f beauty. A?k yourself ?f ??? ?r? feeding ???r body nutritious foods ?n? exercising regularly. A?k yourself ?f ??? ?r? ?t a healthy weight ? f?r ???.

In addition, self-acceptance means th?t ??? ?h???? t? feel ???? ?b??t yourself ?n? t? take care ?f yourself, regardless ?f society?s standards. If ??? ???? yourself, ???? handles ?n? ???, ???r feelings ?b??t ???r body w??? n?t b? influenced b? media images.

M?k? peace w?th ???r body

Quit dissecting ???r body. ?I ??k? m? thighs b?t I h?t? m? f?t stomach,? f?r example harm ???r self-image. Appreciate h?w well ???r whole body works together t? keep ??? going strong. L??? th? whole ???.
Don?t punish ???r body b? playing mind games w?th food. Food ?? n?t th? enemy. Eat healthy b?t don?t obsess. Allowing yourself t? ?n??? treats helps prevent bingeing ?n? keeps ??? ?n control.Focus ?n wh? ??? ?r? ?n? n?t ???t ?n wh?t ???r body looks ??k?.
Acknowledge th? whole ??? ?n? n?t ???t ???r body. Wh?t ?r? ???r gifts, talents, ?n? dreams? Wh?t h??? ??? done t? uncover ???r hidden assets? H?w many lives h??? ??? touched? H?w ?? th? world a better ????? b?????? ??? ?r? ?n ?t?
Speak lovingly ?n? positively t? yourself. Fight negative self-talk b? complimenting yourself. Look f?r th? ???? ?n? praise ?t. Remind yourself h?w wonderful ??? ?r?.
Take pleasure ?n ???t being alive. B? grateful f?r ??? ??? h??? ?n? ??? th?t ??? ?r? ?b?? t? experience. Life ?? t?? short t? b? m???r?b?? over th? external things th?t w??? fade away w?th time. Focus ?n living each moment fr?m th? inside out.
Pamper ???r body. Treat yourself t? a facial, a manicure, ?r a pedicure. Indulge ?n a long, hot bubble bath. Wear a wonderful fragrance.
Take ?ff ???r rose-colored glasses. Look ?t th? ?th?r real bodies around ???. Th? majority ?f ?? ?r? n?t models. Appreciate th? beauty ?f ???r ?wn body ?n? ?t?? comparing yourself t? glossy media images.
Learn th? basics ?f exercise ?n? nutrition ?n? set realistic goals. Y??r focus ?h???? always b? ?n ???r health.
B? th? star ?f ???r ?wn fitness program. Walk, r?n, bike, ?r ?? aerobics. Exercise m?k?? ??? feel ???? ?b??t ???r body. Indulge ???r body ?n fun, feel-???? activities ?ft?n.
Dress up ???r self-esteem b? taking care ?f ???r appearance. Wear clothes th?t ?r? flattering t? ???r figure n? matter wh?t size ??? wear. St?? waiting until ??? lose a ???tt?? more weight? before feeling ???? ?b??t yourself.
A?k f?r support. A?k f?r encouragement fr?m family ?n? friends wh?n life ?? stressful ?n?/?r ??? ?r? feeling down.
Focus ?n living a whole ?n? fulfilled life- both personally ?n? professionally. En??? family, friends, ?n?, m??t importantly, life. D? something everyday th?t brings ??? joy.

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