Saturday 18 May 2013

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Weight loss program is not just eating smaller portions and exercise more often. Many factors affect success in weight loss. Employment decreased weight high consistency and discipline required for the culprit. But often people fail to reduce excess weight by following a false myth.?

?Here are 6 myths about weight loss that could affect the success of a weight loss program.

1. Carbohydrates 'Primary Suspect' Cause Obesity?
Yes, if the type of carbohydrate consumed is as simple as white rice, white bread, noodles, sugar or other foods made from wheat flour. Simple Karbo will quickly raise blood sugar but also lowered immediately. The body feels weak, sleepy, hungry quickly, and want to eat and eat some more.But you can not eliminate the intake of carbohydrates in order to lose weight. Carbohydrates are still needed as an energy source for the body to be able to move. Choose a healthier complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta and vegetables.

2. Food Low / Non Fat Low Calorie must also?

Low or fat-free foods are not always low or zero calories. Many low-fat foods contain sugar or carbohydrates but high in calories. It could even be higher than fatty foods. Therefore, do not overeat just because the 'frills' fat free. Pay attention to the amount of calories that your dietary intake.

3. In order Weight Down, Must be a minimum 45 minute shower?

You do not have to exercise for 45 minutes to lose weight and burn calories. For beginners, it would be hard to do. Physical activity can be started with a healthy walk for 30 minutes and it already helps you burn calories. Perform routine 4-5 times a week. Then add time and increase the intensity by walking faster.
4. Perform Cardio Exercise Weight Fast order Dropped?

Cardio exercises such as jogging, spinning or aerobics is a fast burn and burn a lot of calories, so weight loss even faster. But that does not mean you have to do it every day. Same exercise every day, for a long time will make you bored and lazy sports eventually. Body fat was back. Should combine cardio with other exercises such as yoga, Pilates or weight lifting.

5. Powerful Detox Diet Lose Weight?

Many people think that a detox diet is done in a way, just drink water all day, or drink fruit juice / vegetable for a few days. Apparent weight will go down in no time. But that's because? consumption nutrients is reduced, not because of fat shed. Detox diet is actually not done that way. You keep eating foods that contain complete carbo, protein, vitamins and minerals. But did not consume processed foods in containers or high sodium, preservatives and flavorings added.

6. Excess Weight Loss That Genetic. You get it from Parents?

No gene called fat-derived genes parents to their children. The most likely why children tend to be obese if his parents were obese, because they have a lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. So instead of fat-derived genes but unhealthy eating patterns that imitated their children.


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